
From the song celebration, directly to outer space

The song that is going to be sent to the outer space is “He Flies Towards the Beehive“ (“Ta lendab mesipuu poole”), composed by Peep Sarapik for the lyrics of Juhan Liiv, which was chosen by public vote out of the programme of the XII Youth Song Celebration “Here I’ll Stay.”

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Folk Music Fest

On Saturday, the 1st July at 15.00 at Poolamägi (right next to Kalevi Stadium) the Folk Music Fest. Folk music is the music of my country , a music that local people have been singing  through all time at their homes and passed on to the next generation.

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Suggestions for the visitors

As the weather might not be the best. There are a few suggestions to follow. Check the weather forecast here: Please bring your own rain coats. No umbrellas will be allowed on either the Dance or Song Celebration. Dress warmly and in layers. Large backpacks will be checked by security, so try not to […]

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Song and dance celebration week begins

This is the week of the 12th Youth Song and Dance Celebration, which is bringing to Tallinn some 37,000 participants and tens of thousands of spectators. More than 19,000 young performers from out of town are being offered accommodation in schools across Tallinn.

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One Month to Celebrations

With only one month left to the Celebrations the preparations are in full swing.
Heli Jürgenson is the head conductor of the XII Youth Song Celebrations.

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April 16th will mark the beginning of the celebrations for the 100th jubilee of the Republic of Estonia. (Estonia will celebrate its 100th birthday in 2018).

To mark the beginning of the celebrations the organisers of the 12th Youth Song and Dance Celebration would like to invite everyone in Estonia and the whole world to light fires, candles or torches together with their communities, families or friends in the evening of April 16th at 7 p.m. This way we will together celebrate the beginning of the festive jubilee events as well as the fact that already in 2,5 months’ time we will meet at the 12th Youth Song and Dance Celebration “Here I’ll Stay”.

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Tickets on sale

The tickets are on sale. You can buy them online here (click on below banner): The Dance Celebration takes place in Kalevi stadium and can hold up to 11 000 spectators. The Dance Celebrations holds three performances. Dance Celebration places are seated, the higher seats offer a better view on the dancers and their movements. The […]

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Ten reasons to visit the celebration

Once every five years The Youth Song and Dance Celebration only takes place every five years. The last Youth Celebration took place in 2011 and the next 2022. Don’t miss out on this unique moment to visit Estonia at the end of June 2017. The celebration takes place from 30 June to 2 July. Here I’ll stay The theme […]

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