One of the must-visit events is the long procession that takes all choirs and dancers from the center of the city to the Song Festival Grounds.. The procession is a symbol of people from all around the country and the world coming together and going to the venue side by side.
All Dancers and Singers and Musicians will be walking through the streets of Tallinn on Sunday the 1st of July. The Procession starts from the Freedom square and follows the Pärnu and Narva maantee for about five kilometers to the Song Festival Grounds. This is the perfect place to see Estonian traditional costumes and feel the festival atmosphere also outside the Song Festival Grounds
It is a spectacular event as about 40 000 people in national clothing will surely make a great impression. The best way to be part of this event is to walk in slower pace along with the processors. The start is at 9.30 and about 14.00 the end will arrive to Song Festival Grounds and the Twelwth Youth Song festival will start.
All of the procession is free of charge for everyone. Come join us!